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  • аренда авто в грузии

    Truck driver of category CE Бизнес

    Работа   Тбилиси   419 ID: 497

    Регион: Тбилиси

    Зарплата: Договорная ✔️

    We are Girteka Group, the largest European asset-based digitalized trucking company, delivering almost 1 million full truck loads (FTLs) every year, with more than 9 000 fully owned trucks and 9 800 trailers that operates in Europe, Scandinavia, and Asia.

    We invite truck drivers of category CE to join our team!

    The opportunity to earn 2 250 - 2 511 euros/month (after taxes)
    Formal employment in Lithuania
    Work in a single crew on the latest EURO6 standard trucks
    24/7 SOS center and monitoring support

    International team of 19 000+ truck drivers
    Assistance in obtaining a work visa
    95 code training and internal qualification courses are available at our Drivers Academy
    Own fleet of 9000+ trucks
    Own maintenance centers for heavy vehicles

    6 months of work experience as a truck driver of category CE
    Good knowledge of English or Russian language

    Interested in our vacancy? Fill out the candidate application form, and we will contact you as soon as possible:

    аренда авто в грузии