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  • аренда авто в грузии

    Shoe materials // Synthetic split Бизнес

    Личные вещи   Тбилиси   39 ID: 2776

    Регион: Тбилиси

    Цена: Договорная

    Shoe materials //

    Synthetic split

    Synthetic velor is an excellent woven microfibre material for universal use in your production: it can be used as a lining material, or as a covering on the insole in women, men and children shoes.

    Microliner has a beautiful trade dress, pleasant to the touch. At the same time, it is extremely strong and abrasion resistant material. Microliner will provide an optimal microclimate inside the shoe due to its microporous structure and the resulting high level of water transmission.

    Using synthetic velor you will get:

    - beautiful trade dress of shoes;
    - the ability to make a lining and insole in one color;
    - color-resistant and soft lining.

    аренда авто в грузии