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  • аренда авто в грузии

    Shoe materials // Material "Net 3D" Бизнес

    Личные вещи   Тбилиси   53 ID: 2778

    Регион: Тбилиси

    Цена: Договорная

    Shoe materials //

    Material "Net 3D"

    100% Polyester.
    Volumetric material with high hygienic, aesthetic and strength characteristics. It is used as an outer and lining material in the production of various products such as shoes, backpacks, bags, seating furniture, mattresses, car covers, bandages, sports equipment, etc. In the shoe industry, it is used on the entire inner surface of the shoes. 3D net is an excellent solution for the production of special, sports and hiking shoes because it has high breathability, has abrasion resistance, it has antibacterial properties and is hardwearing to use.

    аренда авто в грузии