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    Shoe materials // IBISOLEX Бизнес

    Личные вещи   Тбилиси   33 ID: 2774

    Регион: Тбилиси

    Цена: Договорная

    Shoe materials // IBISOLEX

    Hardness non-woven insole material with excellent capacity for heat forming. Developed specifically for the main insole in the production of shoes with stitching and gluing-stitching method of fastening. It has a good elastic properties, provides high strength stitch, easy and high-quality bonding.


    - High strength stitch;
    - No delamination;
    - Easy and high-quality bonding;
    - Excellent capacity for heat forming;
    - Thickness: from 1 till 4mm;
    - Ability to order material with additional waterproof properties.

    аренда авто в грузии