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  • аренда авто в грузии

    Safety toe cups // Metal toe-caps Бизнес

    Личные вещи   Тбилиси   36 ID: 2756

    Регион: Тбилиси

    Цена: Договорная

    Safety toe cups //

    Metal toe-caps

    Steel toe caps of the company “Flecksteel” (Brazil) are made of high-strength carbon steels using modern equipment, using special hardening oils in a protective environment, which guarantees their high quality and reliability in using.

    Steel toes withstand a load of more than 200 J, are characterized by high precision manufacturing and uniform hardening. The walls of the steel toe cap are rather thin, which allows special-purpose shoes to be quite elegant. At the same time, the steel toe cap has the lowest cost, is an ideal product for safety shoes used in work related to protection from general industrial pollution and mechanical stress. It is delivered both ways with elastic band PVC or without it.

    аренда авто в грузии