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    I will sell watches Huawei D Частный

    Электроника   Тбилиси   29 ID: 3204

    Регион: Тбилиси

    Цена: 1,100 GEL ✔️

    I didn't wear the watch for long, for a month. In good condition, there is an overhead glass.

    HUAWEI WATCH D feature 2.5D curved glass that flashes and shimmers with each turn of the wrist, complementing a durable aluminum alloy frame, with two handy buttons to take you to your tasks. HUAWEI TruBP blood pressure algorithm, which is based on a cascade model and different blood pressure patterns, makes WATCH D sensitive and considerate to the wearer's every need, made margin of error within ±3 mmHg by a high-precision pressure sensor. With ECG Analysis and TruSeen 5.0+ help you make Heart Rate Monitoring. Also track with sleep, SpO2, 24/7 Stress monitoring, Skin Detection as well as 70+ Workout Modes, and personalized advice on how to get the best possible living plan. (1)The message content of ECG app is for reference only, and should not be used for clinical diagnosis. Not applicable to users under age 18, or those diagnosed with other types of arrhythmia. Please read the instructions thoroughly.

    Дополнительные детали

    Huawei D
    аренда авто в грузии