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  • аренда авто в грузии

    Cords & laces // Wax shoelaces Бизнес

    Личные вещи   Тбилиси   34 ID: 2748

    Регион: Тбилиси

    Цена: Договорная

    Cords & laces //

    Wax shoelaces

    Who did not face the problem of permanently untied shoelaces? Didn’t you, tying the shoelaces and walking 200 meters, found them on the brink of again, and then, in a hurry you are making a sea knot, were forced to simply cut them at home?

    We know how to solve this problem and make the shoelaces controllable for the convenience of using not only children, but also adults! Many shoe factories, caring for their customers, are increasingly using waxed laces in the production of model and children's shoes. Our company is pleased to offer waxed lace of various colors, types and shapes of cotton threads. The high quality of these products allows us to cooperate with many biggest companies in the shoe industry!

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